Posts about

office 365

Should Companies Consider Banning Email?

February 10, 2021

If you could guess, how many times have you checked your email so far today? With smartphones, tablets, and laptops, email seems like a perfect way..

What is Microsoft Cloud App Security and why is it important?

June 1, 2020

Moving applications to the cloud presents organizations with the flexibility to operate virtually anywhere. While this is an excellent thing for many..

5 Reasons Your Business Should Switch to Office 365

April 10, 2020

Are you guilty of using the same outdated technology, even though new and improved platforms and solutions are available?

Microsoft Teams: A secure alternative to Zoom's ongoing privacy risks

April 7, 2020

Are you concerned with the security issues you’ve been hearing about Zoom?Over the last few weeks, you may have heard that Zoom has battled numerous..